
Change password

Use this function to change your password on your DTU account. Your password will hereafter be updated in DTU's IT-systems. Note that some local IT-systems may use a local password, which must also be changed locally. Enter your username, your current password and the new password twice, then press the "Change Password" button. When you have clicked the button, you will receive a receipt telling you that your new password has been accepted. If you are not allowed to change your password, or if you do not understand a displayed error message, then you can contact Arcanic support on dtu@arcanicsupport.dk or telephone +45 69 17 22 70.

Current Password:
New password:
New password (retype)


Your new password must comply to the following rules:

  • The password must contain at least 12 and at most 50 characters (a-Z, 0-9, {-,.,_,=,?,!,+}).
  • Avoid using your first name, last name or user ID as part of your password as this will cause problems when logging in on some systems and services on DTU, particularly Windows services.
  • You are not allowed to use number sequences such as e.g. "123" or "654".
  • You are not allowed to repeat the same character/number three or more times in a row, e.g. "aaa" or "000".

DTU needs your help to improve the Information Security:
  • You should never give your password to anyone.
  • The password is strictly private and for your personal use only.
  • Treat it like the pin code for your credit card that neither your boss, your collegues nor the IT department should know.
  • DTU will never ask you to give us your password.

Remember to change your password on all devices

As soon as you have changed your password, you must update to the new password on other devices, that still use the old password. This could be your smartphone or tablet, if it is used to check your DTU e-mail. If this is not done, you may experience that your account is temporarily locked due a large number of failed login attempts, with your old password

Did you forget your password? Reset via MitID login

If you are a student and your cpr-number is not in DTUBasen, or you have not yet received a cpr-number, then you should contact the Study Administration to get a new password.
If you are not a student and your cpr-number is not in DTUBasen, or you have not yet received a cpr-number, then you should contact the DTUBasen administrator at your institute to get a new password. Department overview: https://www.dtubasen.dtu.dk/department_overview.aspx.